Gerald Coulson's tribute the legendary "Dams Raid", May 1943. Published to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the famous raid the picture depicts pilot Mick Martin pulling his Lancaster away from the Mőhne Dam as his 'Upkeep' bouncing bomb exploded behind him sending a huge plume of water into the air. On his starboard side Guy Gibson flies close to drawing enemy fire from the guns on the dam towers. This edition is signed by the artist along with distinguished RAF aircrew "Dambuster" veterans who flew with 617 Squadron on the mission; Sergeant RAY GRAYSTON Squadron Leader GEORGE 'JOHNNY' JOHNSON DFM Flight Lieutenant EDWARD 'JOHNNY' JOHNSON DFC Flight Lieutenant GEORGE CHALMERS DFC DFM Edition Size: 400 Print Size: 34 x 25 inches (86cm x 64cm)